Goal Setting And Planning, Jim Hageman

Submitted by: Jim Hageman

Goal setting and planning is what most say they do. But do they do it in a way that motivates them to achieve?

Hello, I am Jim Hageman and I plan to reveal to you an easy to do goal setting and planning approach that works. It will help you realize anything you sincerely desire to achieve in your life.

Goal Setting And Planning – A Simple Approach

Your Vision

This is your first step to developing a lasting, attainable plan for your life. Take some time to think about everything that you believe in and everything you want your life to be about. Consider what influence you desire your life to have on your family, your friends, your country, and the world you live in.

Jot down your thoughts in a notebook or use your computer. List everything that has meaning to you. Now write it down or type it in one or more paragraphs. Take your time and define this clearly.


Your Strengths

List all of Your Strengths. Next, list any areas of weakness.

Now this is critical – throw away the list of weaknesses and focus only on Your Strengths.

Once you have Your Personal Vision and Your Strengths clearly defined it becomes easy to…

Determine Your Goals, Outcomes, Desired Achievements, Desired Results

Reread Your Personal Vision and Your Strengths a few times and then dare to dream a bit. Think about what you want your life to be like if you had an infinite amount of money, resources, and time.

List anything you would like to do, have, and achieve. Make a list of the places want to visit, people you want to meet, anything you want to learn, and experiences you want to have.

Then, choose one goal that you know you can accomplish swiftly and easily. Write it down in detail. This will help you see the power of this simple strategy.

Your Why

Once you know what you desire to accomplish, define Your Why. Think about what it would mean to you when you accomplish this definite outcome. Envision yourself having completed it. Now, right below your goal, record all that attaining this will mean to you. This is your motivation for taking action.

Your Massive Plan Of Action

Okay, you have what you desire clearly defined and you know why you want it. Now ask yourself, “What are the actions that I need to take to achieve this goal?” Write them out.

Goal setting and planning helps you know plainly what you have to do. The key to attaining results is taking action. Review everything you have defined and determine what you can do immediately. Taking consistent action is the slight edge that causes desired results. When you start to take action momentum comes into play. You will accomplish your specific outcome and have the benefit of Your Why.

Put this uncomplicated goal setting and planning approach to work for every goal you have listed. Schedule a time each week to utilize this strategy and take action every day.

As time passes, you will be surprised at how much your life is changing for the better.

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